2014 Breeding Chart

2014 Breeding Chart

If you’re interested in downloading a free copy of our 2014 Breeding Chart.doc (Microsoft document), please click the “2014 Breeding Chart” link above.

To use this chart, simply enter the month and day of the breeding, the buck and doe’s personal details, check a box for each breeding (serves as a record for how well the doe ovulates), then reference and enter the due date using our “31 Day Gestational Chart”. Kindling information is entered after birth along with the # of kits (K) and peanuts (P) born followed by entry for the total # of live kits (we do not include peanuts in our tally since they die). The “Rebreed” entry can reflect your personal breeding program preferences. What I love so much about this chart is everything is in chronological order…making upcoming nest boxes dates, kindling dates, and rebreeding dates easy to determine at a quick glance! Having a hard copy of your breeding records is nice too.

We keep our “Breeding Chart” (in order and in separate page protectors) in our breeding binder next to our “Gestational Chart” and our “Calendar”.

I hope our “Breeding Chart” helps you as much as it has us!