31 Day Gestation Chart

31 Day Gestation Chart

If you’re interested in downloading a free copy of our 31 Day Rabbit Gestation Chart.doc (Microsoft document), please click the “31 Day Gestation Chart” link above.

To use this chart, simply locate the month and day that the breeding occurred and then look straight across to the next column on the right in order to determine the due date, based on a 31 day gestation. If you’re new to breeding rabbits, please note that 31 days is the typical gestation length for most rabbits, but it’s not uncommon for does to kindle their litters from day 28 to day 32. Healthy litters can also be born earlier than day 28 and later than day 32. For this reason, we put nest boxes in with our does on day 26. If kindling does not occur on or shortly after day 31, we do not removed the box until day 36. Additionally, many does will kindle one horn, or some of the kits, and then kindle the other horn, or the rest of the kits, up to 48 hours later.

We keep a copy of our Gestation Chart (in a page protector) in our breeding binder next to our “Breeding Chart”.

I hope the gestational chart helps you as much as it has for us!